6 words: Fall prevention, natural approach, balance & confidence
26 words: Improve mobility, increase independence, endurance, fast, easy, effective, empowering, affordable, fun specific, trained, self-educated, flexibility, engaging, safety, going back to work, going back to play, reduce anxiety.
- Age: Any
- Who is this recommended to? Anybody experiencing dizziness or stiffness
- Benefits: Increase balance, decrease dizziness, increase confidence & independence, comfort in busy setting that trigger dizziness or headaches. (2-6 sessions)
- Be wary of ..there’s nothing you could do about your dizziness.”
- Why act now: Because they could be at danger or missing out on life at school, work, socially, etc.
- Incentives: Stop suffering with the fear, anxiety, and loss of balance often associated with conditions that cause dizziness, vertigo, and lack of balance because you may be at a high risk for falls and accidents. Move through life with greater confidence and ease.
- 3 Reasons why you should call NOW!
- Fast
- Affordable
- Easy to follow